Postal Supplies
Postal Supplies for all mail delivery and E commerce applications, brought to you by Packaging Singapore. Packaging supplies for widest range of Postal Mailing Packaging Materials and Ecommerce Packaging Materials. Range includes Air Bubble Wrap, Kraft Padded Mailers, Jiffy Padded Envelopes, Air Bubble Envelope, Poly Mailers, Poly Envelopes, Plastic Envelopes, Padded Poly Mailers, Bubble Plastic Envelopes, Plastic Padded Envelopes, Water Proof Envelopes, Colored Poly Mailers, Clear bubble wrap rolls, clear bubble wrap bags, Anti-Static Bubble Wrap rolls, Anti-static bubble wrap bags, Packing foam Peanuts, Packing Loose-Fill, Clear OPP Tapes, Brown OPP Tapes, Fragile Tapes, Fragile Sticker, Brown Tapes, OPP Tapes, Masking Tapes, Mailing Boxes, Postal Apparel Box, Mailing Tubes, Moving Boxes, Moving Essentials, Security Tapes, White Kraft Poly Padded Envelope Mailer.Bubble Envelope
Bubble Envelope with bubble wrap in the envelope for your product protection. Light in weight for air shipment with strong sealing for security, tamper proof requirement. Surface for easy mailing labels application. Range of different sizes available to cater for all products.
Packing foam peanut
Packing foam peanuts, packing peanuts are light wieght loose fill made from polystyrene. Use for application as cushioning of package product during shipment. Provides soft cushion or as void fillers to fill up any excess gaps and space to prevent package product to shift during shipment. Available in 14 cubic feet pack.
Packing OPP Tape
Packing Opp tape available in clear or brown. Use extensively for taping packaging carton boxes and bubble wrap. Different sizes available to suit all applicaion. Custom printing of company logo or other artwork is available on request. Stock available for 2″ or 3″ width, 45m or 90m length.
Air bubble wrap
Air Bubble Wrap use as surface protection for package product. Also widely use as cushioning of product to protect product during shupment. Available in 20″ x 90m, 40″ x 90m and 60″ x 90m. Small or big bubble depending on application. Custom bubble wrap bags and custom bubble wrap sheets available on request. Anti-static protection also available.
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Packaging postal supplies
Postal Supplies Singapore